Minecraft Guides
How to Make Glass in Minecraft

Glass is a block in Minecraft that can be used for various crafting recipes and decorative features, making it an important part of the game. It is ideal for windows and other creative see-through conceptions. Many important items in the game also require glass to be crafted such as glass bottles, glass panes, and beacons.
In this article, you will discover how glass is crafted in Minecraft and the many popular uses of the block in the game.
How to Make Glass in Minecraft
The first step to making glass in Minecraft is gathering sand. Sand is typically found in desert biomes or near water. Once you find sand, mine and collect some blocks with your fists or a shovel.
The next step will involve finding or making a furnace. A furnace is made in a crafting table placing 8 blocks of cobblestone in all indexes of the crafting table except the middle one. If you are unfamiliar with cobblestone, you can obtain it by mining stone with a pickaxe typically found by digging below the ground surface.
With this furnace, ensure you also have resources or blocks to use as fuel. Common options include coal, charcoal, wood, wooden planks, and more. Once you have fuel, you can place your fuel and sand into the furnace, and the result of the smelting process is your glass!
AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT PLACING YOUR GLASS: When you break a block of glass after it has been placed, you will not be able to pick it up back into your inventory and place it again like normal blocks. The only way to recover a glass block after placing it is by using a pickaxe enchanted with Silk Touch.
Important Crafting Recipes Using Glass
Glass is an important resource for crafting many further important items in Minecraft. Some of these items include glass bottles, beacons, and glass panes. When gathering sand to make glass, it is a good idea to collect a large amount to craft multiple quantities and different items. There are many other items and blocks that can be crafted with glass in addition to the items described below.
Glass bottles are an important resource for brewing potions. To make glass bottles, place one glass block in the top left corner or the index below that, another glass block down one index and right one index, and then a last glass block a block up one index and right one index, creating a triangle-like formation. With the three glass blocks used in the recipe, you will receive three glass bottles.
A very cool item to craft and use in the game is the beacon, which can be used to create a zone of special effects like speed and strength. Crafting a beacon requires three blocks of obsidian and one Nether Star, as well as five blocks of glass. Place the Nether Star in the center of the crafting table, with all three blocks of obsidian in the bottom three indexes, and the glass blocks filling the rest of the indexes in the table. This recipe will result in one beacon.
Lastly, another form of glass that can be created in the game is glass panes, which end up looking more flat when placed in-game than a regular glass block. This comes to be useful in decorations, especially for creations like houses or buildings with windows. To craft glass panes, place three blocks of glass in the top row and three blocks of glass in the middle row of the crafting table, giving you sixteen glass panes in return.

Stained Glass Blocks in Minecraft
In Version 1.7,2, Minecraft included an update that added stained, or colored, glass blocks to the game. To craft a stained glass block, place the colored dye of your preference in the middle index of a crafting table surrounded by eight blocks of glass, and you will receive eight stained glass blocks in the color of the dye you used.
The use of stained glass blocks adds to the possible creative projects and structures you can build in-game. It is also a fun block to use with beacons, where stacking different stained glass blocks can produce light in a different color. For example, placing a red glass block and then a yellow glass block above a beacon will produce an orange light beam in the sky.
Glass is an essential and versatile resource in Minecraft that serves many purposes, from crafting further items in the game to decorative features. All in all, the process of smelting sand to glass is simple, but many interesting uses of the block make it important. With the information from this article, you are now ready to start collecting glass and using it in your builds or to craft more items.